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  • Writer's pictureMuhammad Ayaz

Delights of Nature

The moon, the stars, snow-covered slopes, streams, lakes, and growing blossoms are the objects of nature. Seeing these lofty and beguiling items provides us with a rush of satisfaction. They give comfort, and solace to our psyches. To that end, different artists have composed sonnets in commendation of these objects of excellence. These items cast their spell on different people also. We have just to meander some time on the bank of a lake to understand the fascination of blossoms. We can't articulate the banquet of normal excellence they present to our eyes.

Nature is wonderful all over. She is wonderfully gorgeous on the highest point of a mountain. She is strangely lovely on the bed of the ocean. Woodlands, springs, cascades, nurseries, and glades all outperform in excellence. Nature presents a huge scene of dazzling magnificence. All objects of nature, their varieties, and their structures are a wellspring of delight for eternity.

The dawn presents the loveliest scene. Dewdrops on green grass seem to be pearls. Blossoms, natural product trees washed in beams of the sun, look splendid and delightful. The sunbeams pouring over snow-shrouded tops present a sublime scene. The peeping of birds in trees has its very own music. The setting of the sun is similarly enchanting. The brilliant night seems as though a blue sheet studded with gems. The moon makes a calming difference.

Nature is at her best in spring. Sprouting blossoms of various tones consume the space with scent. Harvest time has its very own appeal. The cool wind produces music in the falling leaves. Winter is no less enchanting. The snow-covered mountains and the falling of snow have an incredible fascination. Moreover, the blowing of winds, the drifting of mists, the rainbow, and the cascades all help us to remember the best craftsman, God.

To partake in these delights of nature, one needs to live in nature's organization. A kinsman appreciates nature well. A town occupant can't partake in the delights of nature. He gets a disabled view. Nature is generally lovely where she is immaculate and undisturbed.

Nature has an overpowering allure. Nature has made wonders for our satisfaction. He who has no eyes to see and appreciate, and no heart to jump with satisfaction at their sight,

should take care of business with a dead soul.

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1 Comment

Iram Ayaz
Iram Ayaz
Sep 28, 2022

Aww I love nature😍

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